Money Sorrows Turned to Gold!!

Posted by Flava Flack on 3:59 PM

Before the summer started I had two possible jobs to pay for rent...but i always dont have the best of luck and my construction job didnt have many jobs to do so i looked elsewhere. I applied for twelve different jobs and one of them was a temp agency..they offered me a job but i didnt have my ID or any money. They told me to go get an Id and come back but I never ended up getting an ID. IT always takes money to make when I started having money sorrows i thought about slanging again because last summer i made ALOT of money I was runnin a drive thru in my back yard. I didnt want to sell anything this summer but because i couldnt find a job i needed to get some type of income because i hate asking my mom for money i try to see myself as a independent person because with no money i still make things happend its either luck or i have some ppl that show summer was good but it could have been better with a little more dough and less stress about the rent due but i made with what i had slanging kept my wallet lined with money but i had to be careful i didnt spend to much or smoke my profits so i tried to spoil the ppl that helped me when i needed it. This weekend I got an offer to drink in a limo with a guest list of 25 which consisted of twenty girls and five guys(dont know why they picked me but fuck it) and after our crusing pregame they planned on going to the club but they were asking for thirty and my broke ass dont even got ten dollars after rent..I could only imagine what would happend if i if i dissapear soon you can say where you going? im trying to get back to the money man.
Andrew M.O.B Flack